Make Money Using Blogs - Lesson 4


This post was too outdated to leave up so I have removed it.


  1. I have just spent an hour reading your 5 lessons; this is great information. I have a blog and so far in 5 months made $4.50 in Adsense(?@&%*!). I think I might try and put your method to work.

  2. Just spent a few hours reading your blog posts....good stuff.

  3. Grizzly,

    Should we put a copywrite on all of our posts? Even though my stuff might be crap, it's still my crap and I don't want to see someone else's name attached to it. Confusing issue for a rookie. Per your instructions, I just posted my first article at "GoArticles" and that got me to thinking.

    Couldn't find the link for "The OTO Gold Mine". I'll buy it on your recommendation, but if you are an affiliate I want to make damn sure you get the commission.

    One more stupid question. Should I finish all 5 of your lessons before buying these programs?



  4. Rick,

    Don't buy any of the programs. I got rid of the links because beginners were having to many problems with them and I have not kept up to see how up to date any of them are.

    All the decent submission software now available is a bit pricey and I recommend you manually do this until you can afford the better software and you have some experience with article marketing.

    As for trying your hand at affiliate marketing stick to clickbank for now. It's a tough niche these days and you really need to get your blog ranking well for popular keywords and create lots of traffic before you will see any sales.

    I really need to update these old posts as so much has changed in a year. Sorry but glad you thought to ask. Don't buy anything just create content and work on targeted keyword backlinks. Get ranked well and worry about making a buck later.

    Technically everything you produce is already copyrighted. People will still steal it though and short of incurring the hassle and expense of suing them you will just have to live with it - I do and have accepted that it just goes with the territory. You can report the thieves using Webmaster Tools at Google just to make their lives miserable though.

  5. Grizzly,

    Great advice, as usual. Before I put up a 3rd post on my current blog, babys first toys, and start a new blog, I could use some constructive criticism if you can spare a little time. I have a thick skin so don't hold anything back. Just post it here in your comments section because it might help your other readers.



  6. I spent all night to read our posts ... very inspiring. If I woman, I'm sure I will love U hehe.
    Actually, I just continue blogging again from last month. If you have just little time to visit my Stress Management Website . I do appreciate .Thanks

  7. Hi Grizzly,

    I've been reading your blog for a couple days now, and I've been following along with your lessons with my blog called Raise Your Puppy Right, and I posted an article on GoArticles, but I'm wondering if I should post that same article on those other free article pages you listed, or if I need to change it around each time.
    Thanks, your page rocks.

  8. Admin,

    The more original content you use the better - It is a pain but you will see better results if you re-write the article for each directory. This is only my preference though - many people post the same article to as many directories as they can find and G may or may not credit the link.

    The duplicate content penalty is much debated as G doesn't seem to treat every site equally. News organizations like The New York Times post tons of duplicate content and are not penalized while small blogs that do the same thing don't get indexed. To avoid the inconsistency I stick to original content.

  9. Hi Griz,

    Had I read this earlier, I wouldn't have started a betta fish blog :). After reading all the 5 lessons I noticed that this is not not your main blog :).

  10. You create lots of blogger blogs but limit the number to 4 or 5 per account.

    What about your adsense account, does google not mind that lots of blogger accounts are obviously the same person as they all use the same adsense account?

    Nice course so far btw :-)

  11. Really GOOD stuff, Griz! But like the fellow above, I'm confused as to how to set up hundreds of blogs (wow!) and creating dozens of accounts. I've never had ANYONE explain how to do this.

    T. Edwards highly recommended "Griz" and you may add me to your email list. I'm at

  12. Nice Lessons, thank you very much. I have a doubt that is if i am submitting one same article to 20 websites. or submitting one unique article to one website, which is better?

    another question is if anybody is copying from the "article website"( even with my link) will it be duplicate post?

    i have a blog

    the visitors from Google is much less. I will try your advises........... Thanks.

  13. Thanx Griz,
    I love your blog because you gives us the truth about what's going on.


  14. hi Grizz please help. I'm doing blogging but via a wordpress template I set up on my own server. Now I've started posting everyday, and I've started hiring peopel to rewrite articles for me. But what I can do to easily get backlinks on days when I don't feel like writing or rewritig articles? as I take it, i can create hundreds of blogger blogs and just post someone elses content, and then a link to my site?? is this true. Also that technorati quick cash thing that you said was seems you could do this using google trends. what do you think>?

  15. Everyone should take the time and read your posts about making money online. You really are an expert.


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